What does travel mean to you? Are you the type who plans their two week holiday to sunnier climes as soon as the laundry hits the washing machine? We all need something to look forward to right? Perhaps you prefer to grab long weekends away, taking your rest and relaxation and sense of adventure, in alternate bite-sized chunks. However you get your fix, we all have one thing in common. We love to get away from it all.
We each have our own idea of what constitutes a great trip. For the soul searchers among us, our choice of destination is driven by something more than topping up the tan and lying on a beach for two weeks. We visit places we feel a connection with. They may not be on Trip Advisor’s Top 10 Trips to Take Before You Die, but they’re on your list – for a reason. Perhaps you revisit a place every year in remembrance of a person or an event that meant something to you. You may even live in a hot climate and wonder what snow looks and feels like.
One of the best gifts I received as a child was a huge globe. I used to spend ours spinning the globe and then closing my eyes I would make it stop and randomly point to a destination. The sense of adventure I could create in my imagination as my finger traced the names of unknown places is something that has stayed with me.
Whatever your story, The Soul Searcher Travel Blog offers real-life experiences, real destinations, useful advice, information and history with a dash of the personal ‘journey’ thrown in. As with life, this is a work in progress, and you never know where your journey will take you next.
The great things, you don’t have to travel alone if you don’t want to.So please feel free to post your own travel tips, experiences, thoughts or comment in the space provided – I would love to hear from fellow soul searchers. Alternatively, if you would like to become a regular contributor to The Soul Searcher please email me at info@eviemcrae.com.
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